February 2010 brought us A LOT of snow, so we had to postpone our daughters birthday party due to the 2 plus foot of snow we got the week before party day! We had invited all of her little friends and family and were really bummed that the "Princess Party" would have to wait. You had to have four wheel drive just to make it to our home that week. So we did a mini family party. The inlaws, BIL, Great Grandmother, SIL and her boyfriend came to our house for some cake and pizza.
My inlaws, SIL and her boyfriend beat me to my house since I was picking up BIL at the bottom of the mountain. I get to my house and my SIL kicks her boyfriend and tells him to get up... (I found this a little odd) So he stands up and she introduces him to me... My first impression was.. wow this guy looks rough... covered with tattoos (and I'm not talking about nicely done ones with nice art and colors...) Looks like someone took a tattoo gun and just started drawing... (ugh)
We went along with the party eating pizza and talking... the boyfriend didn't say much and I assumed he didn't cause he was probably nervous. I did have this funny feeling about him... I wasn't sure why but he just seemed like he was hiding something and looked really tense. So the party was over and the inlaws left and Husbands Grandmother said... "I wonder if he has a job?" I assume cause he looked like one of those guys that no one would hire... I chuckled and Husband and BIL did too.
After everyone left Husband asked me what I thought about the new boyfriend... I said, well I'm not sure.. He acted like he didn't want to be here and was tense looking. I think hes hiding something too! YES I said this!! Husband said maybe who knows. We didn't really talk much more about it.. I figured they wouldn't last very long and we wouldn't have to deal with them much any how..
So a few days go by and Husband gets a call from SIL and she says I need to tell you something... Husband was at work and on a break so he couldn't talk for very long so... she tells him that her boyfriend has been in jail... Husband said Okay so... (thinking he went to jail for a bar fight.. or something stupid..) She said I felt like you needed to know... Husband didn't think too much about this and he had to go back into work so that was the end of the conversation.
So I get an email from Husband, saying I've got some stuff I need to tell you about my sisters boyfriend.... He tells me what she said and the whole "jail" thing just didn't add up... I wanted to know why? What for? When? and How long? So Husband asks his sister these questions and she gets all defensive... She got mad and told us it was none of our business... Red flag# 2! I later got some info from the MIL that he had been in jail for Assault... So I ask the same questions and get very little answers other than her saying I'm not sure.
Now, I'm really thinking about all of this and my gut was right he was hiding something... and they were too.. I'll go on ahead and tell you that my inlaws new this guy had been in jail for a while and had just got out for assaulting someone... and they didn't see that is was a problem that we didn't know this and he came to our home and was around my kid!!! Oh and the fact that if it hadn't snowed all of my friends and there kids would have been around this jailbird too! My MIL denies that he would have been there for the actual party.. but he was on my list long before it snowed. This was one of the first things I said to her about this. I was so pissed that he came to my home and was around my kid, but even more angry that they knew about him and didn't bother to tell us... and that my friends and there kids could have been exposed to this guy too.
Since SIL was no help at all in telling us about his past I started digging. I had already looked at his Facebook page. The pictures alone of his tattoos and just the way he looked was enough for me to not want to be around this guy he just looked dirty. Someone if I saw on the street I wouldn't give the time of day. It took me a while to find info on this guy, but after much digging and a background check I found out the truth!
I will be talking about this in my next post!